A few weeks ago I sat down with a pillar of Fresno's music scene, Blake Jones of Trike Shop fame, and we talked about some of the changes that have occurred in Fresno's creative community over the years, and how working in Fresno can open up more doors creatively than it can in bigger cities.
Also, this was recorded prior to the Rogue Festival so ignore the plugs for that, but Blake has tons of new stuff going on!
Currently they're working on raising the funds for a tour of England in May! You can help them out with that at their Kickstarter.com page.
More information about Blake and his various projects can be found at http://blakejonesmusic.com
As always you can see the podcast in itunes here - http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/idontgetitpodcast/id421931621
And follow on twitter! - twitter.com/idgifresno
You can also download the .mp3 of this episode directly - Episode 10